I came to visit the USA a few months ago. To tell the truth, this is my first time out of my home country of Kosovo. The USA is the best country in the world, I always have had a dream to come to visit USA, and I am so glad to do so now. I am so impressed by the things that I experience here (the people, culture, etc.). Also, I am in awe of the city of Chicago.
I’m now in Kent, Ohio, which is cool place although it’s ice cold in the winter. This trip will forever change my view of life. I have understood that without hard work you will not have a good life. There are millions and millions of words that I would like to write about United States, and all of them good words, but I will like to end this letter….
God bless USA…
I have to go back in my country to finish the studies. Then, I hope that I will come back to USA once more.
Thank you for this opportunity…