J-1 Insurance

Health and Travel Insurance USA

Every year around 320.000 international students/visitors arrive in the U.S. utilizing a J-1 Exchange program within various different sub-categories to study, intern, or work and travel. In accordance with U.S. requirements, every traveler under the J-1 visa category must have suitable J-1 insurance coverage for the entire duration of his stay. On this page, you will find information about our J-1 Insurance for our program.

Our J-1 Insurance Plans

Participants can select and book one of the three available insurance plans.

PLAN 100


$ 1.99

per Day



$ 2.60

per Day



$ 3.90

per Day

The following table shows a summary of the benefits available under your international insurance plan.

Plan Benefits



Plan 0

Plan 100

Plan Premium

US Coverage Included Included
Medical Maximum $100,000 per person, per occurrence $1,000,000 per person, per occurrence
Deductible $0 or $100 per person, per period of coverage (please check your ID card) $0 per person, per period of coverage
Misuse of Emergency Room Deductible $250 $250 for Illness if not admitted
Coinsurance After You pay the Deductible, the plan pays 100% to the selected Medical Maximum. After You pay the Deductible, the plan pays 100% to the selected Medical Maximum.
Outpatient Medical Expenses Usual, Reasonable and Customary to the selected Medical Maximum Usual, Reasonable and Customary to the selected Medical Maximum
Hospital Room and Board Usual, Reasonable and Customary to the selected Medical Maximum Usual, Reasonable and Customary to the selected Medical Maximum
Intensive Care Usual, Reasonable and Customary to the selected Medical Maximum Usual, Reasonable and Customary to the selected Medical Maximum
Dental To a maximum of $500 (Only available to programs purchased for 1 month or more.) Accident Coverage: To a maximum of $500

Sudden Relief of Pain: To a maximum of $200

Emergency Medical Evacuation/ Repatriation $100,000 (in addition to medical maximum) $100,000 (in addition to medical maximum)
Return of Mortal Remains $50,000 $50,000
Emergency Medical Reunion Not included $3,000
Local Ambulance $5,000 $10,000
Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) $10,000 principal sum for Insured $10,000 principal sum for Insured
Loss of Checked Baggage Not included $500
Interruption of Trip Not included $3,000
Home Country Coverage Not included Incidental Trips to The Home Country: Up to $50,000

Home Country Extension of Benefits: Up to $5,000

Assistance Services Included Included
Benefit Period 180 days 180 days

Please note: the benefit table above is a consolidated summary of the plan benefits. Please refer to the policy certificate which you will receive after your booking (a copy of which can be found in the student zone) for a full outline of the plan benefits and limitations.

Explanation of some benefits in our J-1 International Insurance Plan

The plan shall pay Reasonable and Customary charges for Covered Expenses, excess of the chosen Deductible and Coinsurance up to the selected Medical Maximum, incurred by You due to an Accidental Injury or Illness which occurred during the Period of Coverage outside Your Home Country. All bodily disorders existing simultaneously which are due to the same or related causes shall be considered one Disablement. If a Disablement is due to causes which are the same or related to the cause of a prior Disablement, the Disablement shall be considered a continuation of the prior Disablement and not a separate Disablement. The initial treatment of an Injury or Illness must occur within thirty (30) days of the date of Injury or onset of Illness.

Only such expenses which are specifically enumerated in the following list of charges and are incurred within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of accident or onset of Illness and which are not excluded, shall be considered Covered Expenses:

  1. Charges made by a Hospital for room and board, floor nursing and other services inclusive of charges for professional service and with the exception of personal services of a non-medical nature; provided, however, that expenses do not exceed the Hospital’s average charge for semi- private room and board accommodations.
  2. Charges made for Intensive Care or Coronary Care charges and nursing services.
  3. Charges made for diagnosis, Treatment and Surgery by a Physician.
  4. Charges made for an operating room.
  5. Charges made for Outpatient Treatment, same as any other Treatment covered on an Inpatient basis. This includes ambulatory Surgical centers, Physicians’ Outpatient visits/examinations, clinic care, and Surgical opinion consultations.
  6. Charges made for the cost and administration of anesthetics.
  7. Charges for medication, x-ray services, laboratory tests and services, the use of radium and radioactive isotopes, oxygen, blood, transfusions, iron lungs, and medical Treatment.
  8. Charges for physiotherapy, if recommended by a Physician for the Treatment of a specific Disablement and administered by a licensed physiotherapist.
  9. Dressings, drugs, and Medicines that can only be obtained upon a written prescription of a Physician or Surgeon.
  10. Local transportation to or from the nearest Hospital or to and from the nearest Hospital with facilities for required Treatment. Such transportation shall be by licensed ground ambulance only to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits, within the metropolitan area in which You are located at that time the service is used. If You are in a rural area, then licensed air ambulance transportation to the nearest metropolitan area shall be considered a Covered Expense.

Pre-Notification / Referral: In order to ensure Your claims are addressed as efficiently as possible, You or the provider of service must contact the Assistance Company for pre-notification prior to: any medical Treatment in the U.S. as well as hospital admissions and inpatient / outpatient surgeries incurred worldwide. The Assistance Company has trained personnel available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week throughout the year to answer Your questions, provide assistance, and guide You to an appropriate facility if necessary. In the case of an Emergency Admission, the Assistance Company must be contacted within forty-eight (48) hours, or as soon as reasonably possible. Pre-notification does not guarantee that benefits will be paid.

An additional $250 Deductible will apply for use of the Emergency Room for an Illness and not admitted. Use of the emergency room for an injury will not be subject to the Deductible.

Accident Coverage: This plan shall pay in excess of the chosen Deductible and Coinsurance up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits, for emergency Treatment to repair or replace Sound Natural Teeth damaged as the result of a covered Accident. Only those injuries caused by external contact with a foreign object are covered. You are not covered if you break a tooth while eating or biting into a foreign object. *Only available to programs purchased for one (1) month or more.

Sudden Relief of Pain (Premium Plan only!) – This plan shall pay in excess of the chosen Deductible and Coinsurance up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of
Benefits, for emergency Treatment for the relief of pain to Sound Natural Teeth. *Only available to programs purchased for 1 month or more.

The plan will pay Covered Expenses incurred up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits if any covered Injury or Illness commences during the Period of Coverage and results in Your Medically Necessary Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation (Your medical condition warrants immediate transportation from the medical facility where You are located to the nearest adequate medical facility where medical Treatment can be obtained). This benefit must be approved and arranged by your insurance in consultation with the local attending Physician. Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation means: a) the Insured Person’s medical condition warrants immediate transportation from the place where the Insured Person is located (due to inadequate medical facilities) to the nearest adequate medical facility where medical Treatment can be obtained; or b) after being treated at a local medical facility as a result of a Medical Evacuation, the Insured Person’s medical condition warrants transportation with a qualified medical attendant to his/her Home Country to obtain further medical Treatment or to recover; or c) both a) and b) above. All transportation arrangements must be by the most direct and economical route. The Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation must be arranged by your insurance in consultation with the Insured Person’s local attending Physician. Failure to utilize your insurance’s assistant to arrange for these services will result in the denial of benefits. If ongoing medical care is needed, and your attending physician states you are fit to travel, the Assistance Company has the right to require evacuation back to your home country for that ongoing medical care. If this decision is made and you choose not to travel back to your home country, any further costs beyond that point cannot be claimed under this policy.

The plan will pay the reasonable Covered Expenses incurred up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits to return Your remains to Your Home Country if You should die. This benefit must be approved and arranged by your insurance. Covered Expenses include, but are not limited to, expenses for embalming, a minimally necessary container appropriate for transportation, shipping costs, and the necessary government authorizations. Failure to utilize your insurance’s assistant to arrange for these services will result in the denial of benefits.

(Premium Plan only!) When Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation is ordered, and the attending Physician recommends that a family member travel with You, the plan will arrange and pay up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits for roundtrip economy-class transportation for one individual of Your choice, from Your Home Country, to be at Your side while You are hospitalized. In the event You have been confined in a Hospital for at least 7 days due to a covered Injury or Sickness, where the attending Doctor believes it would be beneficial for You to have a Family Member at your side. The plan will pay the expenses incurred for travel and lodging for that Family Member, up to the Benefit Maximum shown. This benefit must be approved and arranged by Seven Corners Assist. The benefits payable will include: (1) The cost of a roundtrip economy airfare; (2) Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses (not to exceed $200 per day) incurred in relation to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits; (3) The period of Emergency Medical Reunion is not to exceed ten (10) days, including travel. Failure to utilize Seven Corners Assist to arrange for these services will result in the denial of benefits.

Benefits shall be paid to You if You sustain an Accidental Injury. The Injury must occur during the Period of Coverage and death or dismemberment as a result of that Accident must occur within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days from the date of Accident. Benefits payable for any such loss shall be in accordance with the following table: If You incur more than one Loss stated in the following Table as the result of one Accident, only the largest amount shall be payable.

  • Life – 100% of principal sum
  • Both Hands or Both Feet or Sight of Both Eyes – 100% of principal sum
  • One Hand and One Foot – 100% of principal sum
  • Either Hand or Foot and Sight of One Eye – 100% of principal sum
  • Either Hand or Foot – 50% of principal sum
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death – 200% of principal sum

(Premium Plan only!)

This plan will reimburse You for lost baggage and personal effects checked with a Common Carrier provided You have taken all reasonable measures to protect, save and/or recover Your property at all times. The baggage and personal effects must be owned by and accompany You at all times. Benefits will be paid to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits. The plan will pay the lesser of the following:
1. The actual cash value (cost less proper deduction for depreciation at the time of loss);
2. The cost to repair or replace the article with material of a like kind and quality; or
3. Per article limit of $50.
This coverage is secondary to any coverage provided by a Common Carrier. You must furnish proof to the Underwriter that full reimbursement has been obtained from the airline.

(Premium Plan only!)

If You are unable to continue the trip due to the death of an Immediate Family member (parent, spouse, sibling or child) or due to serious damage to Your principal residence from fire, flood or similar natural disaster (tornado, earthquake, hurricane, etc.), the plan will reimburse You up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits for the cost of economy travel, less the value of applied credit from an unused
return travel ticket, to return You home to Your area of principal residence. This benefit must be approved by Seven Corners Assist. Failure to utilize Seven Corners Assist to arrange for these services will result in the denial of benefits.

(Premium Plan only!)

Incidental Trips to the Home Country – This plan covers You for Eligible Benefits related to a new covered Injury or Illness that begins while You are on an incidental trip to Your Home Country. For this benefit, You receive a maximum of thirty (30) days per one hundred and eighty (180) days of purchased coverage or pro rata thereof – example: approximately five (5) days per month of purchased coverage. This benefit is not available for purchases of less than thirty (30) days. You must first depart Your Home Country in order to utilize this benefit, and it does not apply to the final trip home. In the event of a claim, You may be required to provide proof of Your travel intentions. Earned Home Country Coverage days for the current Policy Period do not extend or carry over after Your Expiration Date. For this benefit, the Medical Maximum is as stated in the Schedule of Benefits, minus Your Deductible and Coinsurance. The incidental trip to Your Home Country must not be for the purpose of obtaining Treatment of an Illness or Injury that began while traveling abroad. This benefit does not provide coverage for Pre-existing Conditions because the Exclusions for Medical Benefits apply.
Home Country Extension of Benefits – This Policy shall pay Eligible Benefits incurred in Your Home Country up to the maximum stated in the Schedule of Benefits, minus Your Deductible and Coinsurance, for a new covered Injury or Illness that begins while You are tr aveling and is first diagnosed and treated outside Your Home Country. Only those Covered Expenses that are incurred within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of Accident or onset of Illness and which are not excluded shall be considered eligible. If Seven Corners Assist evacuates/repatriates You to Your Home Country for a Covered Injury or Illness, the $5,000 limit for Home Country Extension of Benefits does not apply to the Medical Benefits. This benefit does not provide coverage for Pre-existing Conditions because the Exclusions for Medical Benefits apply.

Upon enrollment, You are eligible to use any of the assistance services provided by the Assistance Services Provider. Additional information is contained in the plan summary.

  • Open 24 hours/day, 365 days a year
  • Multi-lingual personnel
  • Physicians / Nurses on staff
  • Locate local facilities
  • Help with emergency situations

Please be aware that this is not a general health insurance policy, but an interim travel medical program intended for use while away from your Home Country or Country of Residence. The Plan does not guarantee payment to a facility or individual for medical expenses until the Company determines that it is an eligible expense. It is the Insured Person’s responsibility to maintain all records regarding travel history and provide any documents to the Administrator which would verify the Eligibility Requirements.

The plan includes valuable travel and medical assistance services, which are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact your insurance to access these services:

  • Travel Medical Assistance – support and coordination for medical evacuation/ repatriation, medical referral, case monitoring and more…
  • Trip Management Assistance – travel support that includes trip delay and missed connection coordination, hotel and flight rebooking, lost luggage assistance, lost travel document retrieval and assistance and information on local medical and travel advisories.
  • Travel Intelligence Services – through wellabroad.com participants can sign up for travel text message and email alerts from the world’s latest travel advisories and more…
  • Provider Support – no matter your location in the world, assistance will help you locate a provider that is close to your current location. You can contact and utilize the many travel assistance services by contacting your insurance.

Frequent ask Question from our J-1 Participant on our J-1 Insurance

Booking the J-1 Insurance

How long in advance of my trip do I have to book the insurance?

The insurance must be purchased and paid for well in advance, only after doing so can the appropriate insurance documents be issued. We recommend purchasing the appropriate plan for your stay at least one week prior to your travels to guarantee a successful booking process. Please note, it is not possible to issue insurance documents retroactively.

Can I extend my insurance coverage timeframe while abroad if I decide to extend my stay?

Yes, this is possible. Please contact us and request an extension at least one week prior to the expiration date of your current plan and let us know the exact date that you will need coverage through. We will then send you an invoice for the additional days. Once we receive full payment we will issue the updated insurance documents with the correct dates. Since the insurance cannot be extended retroactively, please make sure to contact us enough time in advance of the expiration date. Please also note that the maximum coverage cannot exceed 730 days in total.

Will I be refunded for the unused insured days if I decide to leave the U.S. earlier than planned?

Yes. Due to the fact that the insurance is paid on a daily basis, coverage can be terminated at any given point. Generally, a refund is possible as long as you contact us far enough in advance prior to leaving the U.S. that you wish you terminate your insurance plan. We advice that you contact us immediately as soon as you’ve decided to shorten your stay in the U.S. to avoid any issues. Please keep in mind that retroactive termination and refund won’t be possible.

What language are insurance documents issued in?

All official insurance documents are issued only in English.

Seeking treatment

Do I have to pay upfront when visiting a local doctor’s office, or will they bill the insurance company directly?

If you visit a doctor from the insurance company network, he can usually bill the insurance directly, therefore pre-payment is typically not necessary. When visiting any other doctor, it is normal that you have to prepay and then file a claim with the insurance to get refunded.

What should I do if I need medical treatment while in the U.S.?

When seeking medical assistance, first, you must determine if your condition is an emergency or non-emergency. In case of an emergency, you can call 911 and request an ambulance, or go directly to the emergency room. In case of a non-emergency incident, please visit a local doctor / physician or walk-in clinic. We advice to call ahead and schedule an appointment prior to visiting a doctor’s office. You will have access to a doctor’s locator tool via the insurance’s student zone after purchasing the insurance.

I have a chronic disease and will regularly need medical attention during my stay in the U.S. Will any of the insurance plans cover that?

Since the insurance is categorized as a temporary travel insurance, pre-existing conditions are not covered under this policy. Routine check-ups or any other doctor’s visit that are not due to a sudden illness or accident won’t be refunded either.

How do i get reimbursed for my medical expenses, or outstanding bills?

You must provided all paid bills, receipts, or affiliated documentation for doctor visits, and prescription medications along with the filled out claims form for the incident online directly to the insurance provider. You can find the claim form and more detailed information online in the student zone after purchasing the insurance. All refunds are up to the company’s discretion.

Information about How to Use your J-1 Insurance

If you need to seek medical treatment, please be sure to seek care appropriately for the condition/situation that you are experiencing. Choosing the correct medical provider will make your experience much better, and it will make the billing and payment process much smoother. Here are some guidelines for choosing appropriate medical care.

Non-Emergency Care

When you need to seek non-emergency care, please visit a local doctor, urgent care treatment center, or walk-in medical clinic, as they will be best placed to assist you and the cost will be reasonable. The use of the hospital emergency room for non-emergency care is not appropriate in the USA. To locate a provider, use the online search tool described below or call the insurance provider for appropriate in-network providers in your area. Examples of non-emergency care include cold, flu, minor injuries, and sickness.

Emergency Care

If you need to seek emergency care, please go to the nearest hospital emergency room or call the emergency services (911 in the USA) for immediate assistance. Provide them with your insurance information at the time of treatment. Examples of emergency care include serious accidents or sickness, and any condition that requires an ambulance. As with anything, we ask you to use your judgment with a situation. If you feel you need immediate emergency attention, please do not delay and go straight to the Emergency Room. However if you are unsure, or your condition is not severe, then either call the emergency services for assistance or visit a local doctor, urgent care center, or walk-in clinic in your area. Please Note – an additional $250 deductible will apply for use of the emergency room for an Illness and not admitted. The use of the emergency room for an Injury will not be subject to the deductible.

ID Card

It is extremely important that you carry your insurance ID card with you at all times as this will identify to the provider treating you who your insurance is with. Your ID card will be given to you before you travel and should be kept with you at all times.


Whether inside or outside the USA you have the freedom of choice to visit any provider you wish, however you are strongly encouraged to visit medical providers who are part of the insurance plan network. This will allow direct billing and can remove the need for you to pay upfront for medical expenses. Inside the USA, you can search for network providers online and either call for an appointment or for urgent care clinics, just walk up for treatment. Outside the USA, you can still search for providers online, or find the nearest provider to you, seek treatment and pay for those expenses upfront. You can then claim these back at a later time. Providers can be located online by visiting our homepage.


The insurance must be contacted prior to: (1) hospital admissions worldwide; (2) inpatient or outpatient surgeries worldwide; (3) emergency evacuation/ repatriation; (4) emergency medical reunion; (5) trip interruption; and (6) return of mortal remains. For Emergency admissions and situations, the insurance must be contacted within 48 hours, or as soon as reasonably possible.

Student Zone

To learn more about your insurance plan, locate providers, view the full policy conditions, download claim forms and much more, you can visit the Student Zone online where you can obtain all this information after you have booked the insurance.


When seeking medical care please use the following guidelines to submit your claims to the insurance company:

Inside the USA – If you sought treatment from an in-network provider, and provided your insurance ID card at the time of treatment, they should be able to bill the insurance directly with no payment upfront.
If you have received any medical bills after treatment or paid for any services upfront to a provider, please complete a claim form and email these documents to the claims email for processing.
Outside the USA – When outside the USA, please seek treatment from a provider that is nearest to you, pay for the services upfront, and then submit a claim for reimbursement.
Prescription Medications – Any medications that you have been prescribed will need to be paid for at the time of purchase and added to any claims you are submitting.

Claim Forms

You can download a copy of the claim form from the student zone and submit it with your receipts to the insurance company. For faster processing, we recommend scanning and emailing claim forms and other claim documents.

Claims Update

MyPlan in your Student Zone will allow you to log in and view all your claims activity and contact the claims team directly with any questions. You can also email our team directly for an update on any claims that have been submitted.